
Your love for music has no barriers and your willing to travel for it. There are so many amazing festivals, cubs, and events around the world but it can be stressful to plan and coordinate everything. Here are our top picks to make your life easier next time around.

Unity Travel

Unity Travel is a festival travel agency that makes it easy for you to book your next trip to festivals like EDC Las Vegas, Paradiso, Summer Set Music Festival, CRSSD, and more. For most events, they take care of getting you the best deal on a hotel to stay at and provide a safe shuttle for you to ride on to and from the event. To learn more and book your next travel and hotel event with Unity Travel, click here.


Uber is a a ride hailing company that quickly and easily gets you a ride to your next destination with just a few simple taps inside their app.  Sign up for Uber and get a free ride (worth $15) when you use the promo code “deniced11ue”


Do you want to meet your favorite DJ? Grab our free guide. Click “DOWNLOAD NOW” below for access now.